Showing posts with label how to promote your band. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to promote your band. Show all posts

Thursday, August 15, 2019

I wanna sell beats the art of diy music marketing and distribution made easy

Producers learn how to sell your beats to paying customers on Auto-pilot watch the free video review and details about the video.

The diy bible for your content media market solutions made easy this is the home recording studio producers music distribution video for music theory self music marketing, publishing, and distribution on different music distribution platforms 

Home recording musicians come learn how to build your very own brand from scratch website from scratch with little to no start up cost. Producers learn how to sell your beats to paying customers on Auto-pilot.


 Underground rapper/ceo/producer/hip-hop blog editor/music publisher Baby Southside is at us once again with more home recording knowledge for you the home digital recording producers who have studio set-up at home listen as he speaks to the new age digital recording studio artist's and musicians on how to build your on band website producers learn how to sell your beats we take you to the resources to calobrate your music and image product to the next level this video showcases a pool of valuable music industry info like music distribution through I-tunes, Rhapsody, Amazon mp3.etc This video takes you the musician to the tools and resources you need to build your own band website and distribute your music online.

Music class is in session with rapper/ceo/producer/hip-hop blog editor/music publisher Baby Southside he is at us once again with more  knowledge about different sites who provide the most reliable service for you to stream your music download this video is for those of us who make music and would rather build our own music distribution dynasty.

In this music thoery session we get on the subject of diy music distribution and marketing technics producers who looking to build your own beat sites we discuss the best beat sites to sell your music through this is a home recording studio producers and composers chance to at self music publishing and distribution video for music and video marketing and distribution download the course to your phone labtop or desktop computer and lets get started.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Raptimez Media Networking Solutions

Raptimez Media Networking Solutions is known for its unique access and greatness when it comes to building musician and band websites and digital media, blogs and digital media marketing and band promotions we generate high amounts of exposure for musicians through our digital gatways to the press for the recording musician we concentrate mainly on music promotion and marketing delivering the public good content as well as building powerful websites and blogs and media portfolio's we also provide you the recording musician or band with the right tools you will need in helping your image succeed gain massive indie buzz and exposure for your digital media content working indepedentlly with recording artist's of all generes by distributing artists posts and music links throughout our vast network of music media advertiseing medians through digital music industry connection ports and marketing venues, digital magazines, music publishers looking for new music.

 > Raptimez Media Services<

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Producers Lounge come network with Music Industry Resources

Being able to Network your content is the key to being a good songwriting and music publisher.

This is the spot to hang and shoot the breeze with other like minded fellow home project recording producers and musicians find out how to get out of creative ruts, analyze what makes a great song, discover inspirations for writing from other musicians and producers maybe even meet an online collaborator.

The Producers Lounge covers the questions and interests of everyone from the teenager who has recently decided to record music to the experienced audio engineer who owns a small commercial recording studio. Dont hesitate to sign up to these resourceful forums and groups that share the same goals as you networking. No drink minimum

                                     Homerecording Producer Forum

                                                    Songwriter 101


                                           Gearslutz Pro Audio Forum

                            Association of independent music publishers


                                               tightbeatz producer forum

                                             Rap-Royalty Producer forum