Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Finding prospects for your project studio business

A recording studio with good music will find its audience with a reasonable amount of marketing and promotion behind it that's why I explained early in this blog that having a website or hire a PR service to expose your studio business because its one good way to promote to your prospects and clients. Used in conjunction with other promotion, it can be the main way you get leads and make sales. Aint nothing more slicker than having a dope business card along with you website attached to it and the musician looks like wow this guy means business you can send them to your Website for more information about your business and what you do. Many project studio owners and producers I have worked with tell me that yellow page ads work find that is if you only sell studio time for you producers that sell professional services instead of the studio room itself may find that placing ads in the yellow pages is a waste of time and money instead look for professional directories that's dedicated to the audiovisual industry to reach your prospects. Social Media You can search out prospects on the Web look for notices in newsgroups where musicians need your service I use Facebook and Google groups, Instagram,LinkdN,Twitter in theses groups are other artist and musicians looking for your service and you can look at their Websites of bands and record companies and see their services. Artists mainly come to these groups to buy and sell beats and promote they latest single to the public. 10 easy steps to get started in home recording learn how to Market and Promote your Home Recording Studio Business -=-=-=> click here! The Internet gives you the opportunity of connecting producers and artist's from all over the world using a MP3 file or from simple e-mail correspondence to file sharing and virtual studio sessions. Producers and artist's can collaberate using online virtual studio for example The Rocket Network is one of these Internet recording studios. Using proprietary software in conjunction with certain compatible host programs,producers can calloborate on music and sound projects with artists and other producers from around the globe via Internet providing access to musicians in other areas and allowing you to work on projects from other cities for more information follow the link below

The Rocket Network

www.rocketnetwork.com      -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--====-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

        Establishing your Image as a Producer 

The best image for a producer to convey is that of a problem solver or dream spinner. You need to be accessibly easy to get in contact with and personable enough to work with effectively and very technically proficient with the services you offer, make sure you look the part by dressing appropriately.

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